(function(XDK, $){ XDK.register("ui.mousedown", function(){ var INDEX = -1; function clsSelect(e){ e = e || window.event; if('getSelection' in window){ window.getSelection().removeAllRanges(); }else{ try { document.selection.empty(); } catch (e) {}; }; if(e.preventDefault){ e.preventDefault(); }else{ e.returnValue = false; }; }; function _point(e){ return { x : e.pageX, y : e.pageY }; }; var _class_ = XDK.Class.create({ _init_ : function(options){ INDEX += 1; this.index = INDEX; var set = $.extend({ container : null, events : {} }, options); set.events = $.extend({ mousedown : function(e, _self, point){}, mousemove : function(e, _self, point, pointData){}, mouseup : function(e, _self, point){} }, set.events); this.set = set; this.container = null; this.handled = false; this.doc = $(document); this.win = $(window); this.startEventPoint = { x : 0, y : 0}; this._setDOM(function(){ this._bind(); }); }, _initCancelSelect : function(){ var doc = this.doc; doc.bind("mousemove", clsSelect); doc.bind("selectstart", clsSelect); doc.bind("mouseup", function(){ doc.unbind("mousemove", clsSelect); doc.unbind("selectstart", clsSelect); }); }, _setDOM : function(callback){ callback = callback || function(){}; var container = null; if(this.set.container != null){ var c = $(this.set.container); if(c.size() > 0){ c.addClass("xdkui-mousedown").addClass("xdkui-mousedown-" + this.index); c.data("mousedown", this); this.container = c; callback.call(this); }; }; }, _c_mousedown_evt : function(e){ e.preventDefault(); var doc = this.doc; var p = _point(e); this.startEventPoint = p; var rs = this.set.events.mousedown.call(this, e, this, p) !== false; if(!rs){ return; }; this._initCancelSelect(); this.handled = true; doc.bind("mousemove", $.proxy(this._doc_mousemove_evt, this)); doc.bind("mouseup", $.proxy(this._doc_mouseup_evt, this)); }, _doc_mouseup_evt : function(e){ if(this.handled){ this.handled = false; this.set.events.mouseup.call(this, e, this, _point(e)); var doc = this.doc; doc.unbind("mousemove", this._doc_mousemove_evt); doc.unbind("mouseup", this._doc_mouseup_evt); }; }, _doc_mousemove_evt : function(e){ if(this.handled){ var oldPoint = this.startEventPoint; var p = _point(e); var point = {x : p.x - oldPoint.x, y : p.y - oldPoint.y}; this.set.events.mousemove.call(this, e, this, p, point); }; }, _bind : function(){ this.container.bind("mousedown", $.proxy(this._c_mousedown_evt, this)); }, _unbind : function(){ this.container.unbind("mousedown", this._c_mousedown_evt); }, destroy : function(){ this._unbind(); this.container.removeClass("xdkui-mousedown").removeClass("xdkui-mousedown-" + this.index); } }); return _class_; }); XDK.register("ui.resizable", function(){ if($.browser.msie && $.browser.version == "6.0"){ try{document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache",false,true)}catch(r){} }; var INDEX = -1; var __mousedown__ = XDK.ui.mousedown; var _class_ = XDK.Class.create({ _init_ : function(options){ INDEX += 1; this.index = INDEX; var set = $.extend({ container : null, minHeight: 10, minWidth: 10, maxWidth : null, maxHeight : null, resizingClass : "xdkui-resizable-resizing", events : { }, handles : ["t", "r", "b", "l", "rt", "rb", "lb", "lt"], handleNodeZIndex : "1000" }, options); set.events = $.extend({ resizestart : function(e, _self, handle, node){}, beforeresize : function(e, _self, handle, node){}, resize : function(e, _self, handle, node){}, resizestop : function(e, _self, handle, node){} }, set.events); this.set = set; this.container = null; this.handleNodes = {}; this.mousedownObj = null; this.offsetPostion = {}; this.size = {}; this.oldCursor = $("body").css("cursor"); this._setDOM(function(){ this._init(); }); }, _setDOM : function(callback){ callback = callback || function(){}; var container = null; if(this.set.container != null){ var c = $(this.set.container); if(c.size() > 0){ c.addClass("xdkui-resizable").addClass("xdkui-resizable-" + this.index); this.container = c; c.data("resizable", this); callback.call(this); }; }; }, _init : function(){ this._setPosition(); this._createResizeHandles(); }, /** * set container the default position, then resize-handles can used absolute-position */ _setPosition : function(){ if(!(/^(?:r|a|f)/).test(this.container.css("position"))){ this.container.css("position", "relative"); }; }, _initHandleNode : function(node){ var handle = node.data("handle"); var _this = this; var $body = $("body"); var overflow = this.container.css("overflow"); var oldPos = null; this.offsetPostion = {}; var container = this.container; var nodeMouseDownApp = __mousedown__.getInstance({ container : node, events : { mousedown : function(e, _self, point){ var rs = _this.set.events.resizestart.call(_this, e, _this, handle, node); if(rs === false){ return false; }; _this.size = _this._getContainerSize(); //console.log(_this.size); oldPos = {left : e.pageX, top : e.pageY}; var cssLeft = parseInt(container.css("left")); if(isNaN(cssLeft)){ cssLeft = 0; }; var cssTop = parseInt(container.css("top")); if(isNaN(cssTop)){ cssTop = 0; }; _this.offsetPostion = {left : cssLeft, top : cssTop}; _this.updateHandleNodesSize(); }, mousemove : function(e, _self, point, pointData){ var beforeResizeRs = _this.set.events.beforeresize.call(_this, e, _this, handle, node); if(beforeResizeRs === false){ return false; }; $body.css({ cursor : node.css("cursor") }); var dx = pointData.x; var dy = pointData.y; var css = _this._getChangeStyleOnResize(handle, e, _this.size.width, _this.size.height, dx, dy, _this.offsetPostion); if(css === null){ return; }; var cssData = css(); _this.container.css(cssData); _this.container.addClass(_this.set.resizingClass); _this.updateHandleNodesSize(); _this.set.events.resize.call(_this, e, _this, handle, node); }, mouseup : function(e, _self, point){ _this.container.removeClass(_this.set.resizingClass); _this.set.events.resizestop.call(_this, e, _this, handle, node); $body.css({ cursor : _this.oldCursor }); _this.updateHandleNodesSize(); } } }); node.data("mousedownobj", nodeMouseDownApp); }, _getContainerSize : function(){ var con = this.container; var _con = con[0]; return { innerWidth : con.innerWidth(), innerHeight : con.innerHeight(), offsetWidth : _con.offsetWidth, offsetHeight : _con.offsetHeight, width : con.width(), height : con.height() }; }, _getChangeStyleOnResize : function(resize_type, e, start_width, start_height, dx, dy, nodeOffsetPositon){ var _this = this; var set = _this.set; var minWidth = set.minWidth; var minHeight = set.minHeight; var maxWidth = set.maxWidth; var maxHeight = set.maxHeight; var dw = this.offsetPostion.left + this.size.width; var dh = this.offsetPostion.top + this.size.height; function getMinTop(){ return dh - minHeight; }; function getMinLeft(){ return dw - minWidth; }; function getMaxTop(){ return dh - maxHeight; }; function getMaxLeft(){ return dw - maxWidth; }; return ({ t : function(){ var pos = { top : nodeOffsetPositon.top + dy , height : start_height - dy }; if(minHeight != null){ if(pos.height < minHeight){ pos.height = minHeight; pos.top = getMinTop(); }; }; if(maxHeight != null){ if(pos.height > maxHeight){ pos.height = maxHeight; pos.top = getMaxTop(); }; }; return pos; }, b : function(){ var pos = { height: start_height + dy }; if(minHeight != null){ if(pos.height < minHeight){ pos.height = minHeight; }; }; if(maxHeight != null){ if(pos.height > maxHeight){ pos.height = maxHeight; }; }; return pos; }, r : function(){ var pos = { width : start_width + dx }; if(minWidth != null){ if(pos.width < minWidth){ pos.width = minWidth; }; }; if(maxWidth != null){ if(pos.width > maxWidth){ pos.width = maxWidth; }; }; return pos; }, l : function(){ var pos = { width : start_width - dx, left : nodeOffsetPositon.left + dx }; if(minWidth != null){ if(pos.width < minWidth){ pos.width = minWidth; pos.left = getMinLeft(); }; }; if(maxWidth != null){ if(pos.width > maxWidth){ pos.width = maxWidth; pos.left = getMaxLeft(); }; }; return pos; }, lt : function(){ var pos = { width : start_width - dx, left : nodeOffsetPositon.left + dx, top: nodeOffsetPositon.top + dy, height: start_height - dy }; if(minWidth != null){ if(pos.width < minWidth){ pos.width = minWidth; pos.left = getMinLeft(); }; }; if(maxWidth != null){ if(pos.width > maxWidth){ pos.width = maxWidth; pos.left = getMaxLeft(); }; }; if(minHeight != null){ if(pos.height < minHeight){ pos.height = minHeight; pos.top = getMinTop(); }; }; if(maxHeight != null){ if(pos.height > maxHeight){ pos.height = maxHeight; pos.top = getMaxTop(); }; }; return pos; }, rt : function(){ var pos = { width : start_width + dx, top: nodeOffsetPositon.top + dy, height: start_height - dy }; if(minWidth != null){ if(pos.width < minWidth){ pos.width = minWidth; }; }; if(maxWidth != null){ if(pos.width > maxWidth){ pos.width = maxWidth; }; }; if(minHeight != null){ if(pos.height < minHeight){ pos.height = minHeight; pos.top = getMinTop(); }; }; if(maxHeight != null){ if(pos.height > maxHeight){ pos.height = maxHeight; pos.top = getMaxTop(); }; }; return pos; }, lb : function(){ var pos = { width : start_width - dx, left : nodeOffsetPositon.left + dx, height: start_height + dy }; if(minWidth != null){ if(pos.width < minWidth){ pos.width = minWidth; pos.left = getMinLeft(); }; }; if(maxWidth != null){ if(pos.width > maxWidth){ pos.width = maxWidth; pos.left = getMaxLeft(); }; }; if(minHeight != null){ if(pos.height < minHeight){ pos.height = minHeight; }; }; if(maxHeight != null){ if(pos.height > maxHeight){ pos.height = maxHeight; }; }; return pos; }, rb : function(){ var pos = { width : start_width + dx, height: start_height + dy }; if(minWidth != null){ if(pos.width < minWidth){ pos.width = minWidth; }; }; if(maxWidth != null){ if(pos.width > maxWidth){ pos.width = maxWidth; }; }; if(minHeight != null){ if(pos.height < minHeight){ pos.height = minHeight; }; }; if(maxHeight != null){ if(pos.height > maxHeight){ pos.height = maxHeight; }; }; return pos; } })[resize_type] || null; }, _getHandleNodes : function(){ return this.container.find(".xdkui-resizable-handle"); }, updateHandleNodesSize : function(){ var _this = this; this._getHandleNodes().each(function(){ var node = $(this); var handle = node.data("handle"); if(handle == "l" || handle == "r"){ node.css({ height : _this.container.outerHeight() }); }; }); }, hide : function(){ this._getHandleNodes().hide(); }, show : function(){ this.updateHandleNodesSize(); this._getHandleNodes().show(); }, destroy : function(){ this._getHandleNodes().each(function(){ var node = $(this); node.data("mousedownobj").destroy(); node.remove(); }); this.container.removeClass("xdkui-resizable").removeClass("xdkui-resizable-" + this.index); }, _createResizeHandles : function(){ var handles = this.set.handles; var tpl = "
"; var _this = this; $.each(handles, function(a, b){ var html = XDK.core.str.render(tpl, { handle : b }); var node = $(html); _this.handleNodes[b] = node; node.data("handle", b); _this._initHandleNode(node); _this.container.append(node); }); } }); return _class_; }); XDK.register("ui.draggable", function(J){ var __mousedown__ = XDK.ui.mousedown; var ie6 = $.browser.msie && $.browser.version == "6.0"; var instanceIndex = 1000; var DRAG_LIST = {}; var cls = J.Class.create({ _init_ : function(options){ instanceIndex += 1; var set = $.extend({ container : null, handle : null, events : {}, //move default cursor : null, iframeFix : false, xDrag: true, yDrag : true, startZIndex : null }, options); var events = { dragstart : function(_self, e, nodePos){ }, drag : function(_self, e, nodePos, pos){ }, dragstop : function(_self, e, nodePos){ }, updateindex : function(_self, index){ this.zIndex(index); } }; set.events = $.extend(events, set.events); this.index = instanceIndex; DRAG_LIST[this.index] = this; this.set = set; this.container = null; this.handle = null; this.disabled = false; this.mousedownObj = null; this._setContainer(); this._setHandle(); if(!this.handle){ console.log("Error : handle is null"); return; }; this.cur_handle = "auto"; this.container.addClass("xdkui-draggable-" + this.index); this.handle.addClass("xdkui-draggable-handle-" + this.index); this.set.iframeFix && ie6 && this.container.prepend(""); this.container.append(""); this.alpha = this.container.find(".xdkui-draggable-alpha-" + this.index); this.iframe = this.set.iframeFix && ie6 ? this.container.find(".xdkui-draggable-iframe-" + this.index) : null; this.pos_old = {x : 0, y : 0}; this.node_pos = {left : 0, top : 0}; this.updateZIndex(this.set.startZIndex !== null ? this.set.startZIndex : this.index); this.alphaFix(); this._setPosition(); this._binds(); }, _setPosition : function(){ if(!(/^(?:r|a|f)/).test(this.container.css("position"))){ this.container.css("position", "relative"); }; }, _setContainer : function(){ var set = this.set; var rs = null; if(set.container != null){ var tmp = $(set.container); if(tmp.size() > 0){ rs = tmp; }; }; if(rs){ rs.data("draggable", this); }; this.container = rs; }, _getContainer : function(){ return this.container; }, _setHandle : function(){ var set = this.set; var rs = null; if(this.container != null){ if(set.handle != null){ rs = this.container.find(set.handle); }else{ rs = this.container; }; }; this.handle = rs; }, _getHandle : function(){ return this.handle; }, _getPos : function(e){ return{ x : e.pageX, y : e.pageY }; }, _getNodePos : function(){ var con = this.container; var left = con.css("left"); left = left == "auto" ? 0 : parseInt(left); var top = con.css("top"); top = top == "auto" ? 0 : parseInt(top); return { left : left, top : top }; }, alphaFix : function(){ var con = this.container[0]; var w = con.offsetWidth; var h = con.offsetHeight; var css = { width : w + "px", //height : h -this.handle[0].offsetHeight height : (h - (this.set.handle !== null ? this.handle[0].offsetHeight : 0)) + "px" }; var css2 = { width : w + "px", height : h + "px" }; this.alpha.css(css); if(this.iframe){ this.iframe.css(css2).show(); }; }, updateZIndex : function(){ instanceIndex += 1; this.set.events.updateindex.call(this, this, instanceIndex); }, zIndex : function(a){ this.container.css({ "z-index" : a }); }, showAlpha : function(){ this.alpha.show(); }, hideAlpha : function(){ this.alpha.hide(); }, _binds : function(){ var handle = this.handle; var container = this.container; var alpha = this.alpha; var doc = $(document); this.cur_handle = handle.css("cursor"); var _this = this; if(!_this.set.xDrag && !_this.set.yDrag){ return; }; handle.addClass("xdkui-draggable-handle"); if(_this.set.cursor){ handle.css({cursor : _this.set.cursor}); }; container.addClass("xdkui-draggable"); alpha.mousedown(function(){ _this.hideAlpha(); handle.trigger("mousedown"); }); container.bind("mousedown", $.proxy(this._containerMouseDownEvt, this)); $(window).bind("resize", $.proxy(this.alphaFix, this)); this.mousedownObj = __mousedown__.getInstance({ container : _this.handle, events : { mousedown : function(e, _self, point){ var rs = _this.set.events.dragstart.call(_this, _this, e, _this._getNodePos()); if(rs === false){ return false; }; if(_this.disabled ){ return false; }; e.stopPropagation(); _this.updateZIndex(); _this.showAlpha(); _this.node_pos = _this._getNodePos(); _this.pos_old = _this._getPos(e); }, mousemove : function(e, _self, point, pointData){ _this._move(e); }, mouseup : function(e, _self, point){ _this.hideAlpha(); _this.set.events.dragstop.call(_this, _this, e, _this._getNodePos()); } } }); }, _move : function(e){ var _this = this; _this.alphaFix(); var pos_new = _this._getPos(e); var node_pos = _this._getNodePos(); var pos = {x : 0, y : 0}; if(_this.set.xDrag){ pos.x = pos_new.x - _this.pos_old.x + _this.node_pos.left; }else{ pos.x = node_pos.left; }; if(_this.set.yDrag){ pos.y = pos_new.y - _this.pos_old.y + _this.node_pos.top; }else{ pos.y = node_pos.top; }; _this.container.css({ left : pos.x + "px", top : pos.y + "px" }); _this.set.events.drag.call(_this, _this, e, _this._getNodePos(), pos); }, _containerMouseDownEvt : function(e){ this.updateZIndex(); }, disable : function(){ this.disabled = true; this.handle.css({cursor : this.cur_handle}); }, removeDisable : function(){ this.disabled = false; this.handle.css({cursor : this.set.cursor}); }, destroy : function(){ var doc = $(document); this.container.unbind("mousedown", this._containerMouseDownEvt).removeClass("xdkui-draggable").removeClass("xdkui-draggable-" + this.index); this.handle.removeClass("xdkui-draggable-handle").removeClass("xdkui-draggable-handle-" + this.index).css({cursor : this.cur_handle}); this.alpha.unbind().remove(); if(this.mousedownObj){ this.mousedownObj.destroy(); }; $(window).unbind("resize", this.alphaFix); if(this.iframe){ var frame = this.iframe[0]; frame.src = ""; try{ frame.contentWindow.document.write(""); frame.contentWindow.close(); }catch(e){ }; this.iframe.remove(); }; delete DRAG_LIST[this.index]; } }); cls.DRAG_LIST = DRAG_LIST; cls.INSTANCE_INDEX = instanceIndex; return cls; }); /** * XDK.ui.slider - 拖拽进度条 */ XDK.register("ui.slider", function(J){ var sliderIndex = -1; var SLIDER_LIST = {}; var cls = J.Class.create({ _init_ : function(options){ sliderIndex += 1; var set = $.extend({ slider : "#test-progress-bar", dir : "x", initToPercent : 0,// 1 - 100 cursor : "auto", events : { } }, options); set.events = $.extend({ sliderInit : function(){ }, percent : function(){ } }, set.events); this.sliderIndex = sliderIndex; SLIDER_LIST[this.sliderIndex] = this; this.slider = $(set.slider); this.btn = null; this.percentBar = null; this._setSliderDOM(set.dir); this.dir = set.dir; var _this = this; cls.baseConstructor.call(this, { cursor : set.cursor, container : this.btn, xDrag : this.dir == "x" ? true : false, yDrag : this.dir == "y" ? true : false, events : { drag : function(_self, e, nodePos){ var innerWidth = this.slider.innerWidth(); var innerHeight = this.slider.innerHeight(); var btn = this.handle; var _btn = btn[0]; var _container = this.slider[0]; var offsetLeft = XDK.core.dom.offset.left(_btn); var parentOffsetLeft = XDK.core.dom.offset.left(_container); var offsetTop = XDK.core.dom.offset.top(_btn); var parentOffsetTop = XDK.core.dom.offset.top(_container); if(this.dir == "x"){ if(offsetLeft < parentOffsetLeft || nodePos.left < 0){ _this.to(0); }else if(nodePos.left + _btn.offsetWidth > innerWidth){ _this.to(100); }else{ _this.to(nodePos.left / (innerWidth - _btn.offsetWidth) * 100); }; }else if(this.dir == "y"){ if(offsetTop < parentOffsetTop || nodePos.top < 0){ _this.to(0); }else if(nodePos.top + _btn.offsetHeight > innerHeight){ _this.to(100); }else{ _this.to(nodePos.top / (innerHeight - _btn.offsetHeight) * 100); }; }; } } }); set.events = $.extend(this.set.events, set.events); this.set = $.extend(this.set, set); //console.log(this.set) this.percent = 0; this.to(this.set.initToPercent); this.set.events.sliderInit.call(this); this.initSliderEvet(); }, _setSliderDOM : function(dir){ this.slider.addClass("xdkui-slider xdkui-slider-" + this.sliderIndex + " xdkui-slider xdkui-slider-" + dir); var tpl = "
" + "
"; var html = XDK.core.str.render(tpl, { dir : dir, index : this.sliderIndex }); this.slider.html(html); this.btn = this.slider.find(".xdkui-slider-btn-" + this.sliderIndex); this.percentBar = this.slider.find(".xdkui-slider-progress-" + this.sliderIndex); }, _resize : function(e){ this.to(this.percent); }, initSliderEvet : function(){ var btn = this.handle; var _btn = btn[0]; var slider = this.slider; var _slider = slider[0]; var _this = this; var doc = $(document); var win = $(window); var b = $("body"); var cursor = b.css("cursor"); win.bind("resize", $.proxy(this._resize, this)); slider.bind("mousedown", function(e){ var innerWidth = slider.innerWidth(); var innerHeight = slider.innerHeight(); var clientX = e.pageX; var sliderLeft = slider.offset().left; var left = clientX - sliderLeft; var clientY = e.pageY; var sliderTop = slider.offset().top; var top = clientY - sliderTop; var num = 0; var btn_w = _btn.offsetWidth; var btn_h = _btn.offsetHeight; if(_this.dir == "x"){ num = ((left - btn_w / 2) / (innerWidth - btn_w )) * 100; }else if(_this.dir == "y"){ num = ((top - btn_h / 2) / (innerHeight - btn_h )) * 100; }; var rs_start = _this.set.events.dragstart.call(_this, _this, e, _this._getNodePos()); if(rs_start !== false){ _this.to(num); _this.handled = true; //console.log(_this.mousedownObj); _this.mousedownObj._initCancelSelect(); _this.showAlpha(); _this.pos_old = _this._getPos(e); _this.node_pos = _this._getNodePos(); //console.log(_this.pos_old, _this.node_pos); //console.log(_this.handled) b.css({cursor : _this.set.cursor}); doc.bind("mousemove", $.proxy(_this._move, _this)); doc.bind("mouseup", function(e){ if(_this.handled){ _this.handled = false; _this.hideAlpha(); doc.unbind("mousemove", _this._move); b.css({cursor : cursor}); _this.set.events.dragstop.call(_this, _this, e, _this._getNodePos()); }; }); }; }); btn.bind("mousedown", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); e.stopPropagation(); }); }, barPercent : function(bar, num){ if(num < 0){ num = 0; }else if(num > 100){ num = 100; }; var innerWidth = this.slider.innerWidth(); var innerHeight = this.slider.innerHeight(); var btn = this.handle; var _btn = btn[0]; var btn_w = _btn.offsetWidth; var btn_h = _btn.offsetHeight; var percent = num / 100; if(this.dir == "x"){ var nodePos = this._getNodePos(); var w = percent * innerWidth; if(btn_w + nodePos.left > w && w > 0){ w = btn_w + nodePos.left; }; bar.css({ width : w + "px" }); }else if(this.dir == "y"){ var nodePos = this._getNodePos(); var h = percent * innerHeight; if(btn_h + nodePos.top > h ){ h = btn_h + nodePos.top; }; bar.css({ height : h + "px" }); }; bar.attr({ _percent : num }); }, //1 - 100 to : function(num, to_call){ to_call = typeof(to_call) == "undefined" ? true : to_call; if(num < 0){ num = 0; }else if(num > 100){ num = 100; }; this.percent = num; var innerWidth = this.slider.innerWidth(); var innerHeight = this.slider.innerHeight(); var btn = this.handle; var _btn = btn[0]; var btn_w = _btn.offsetWidth; var btn_h = _btn.offsetHeight; var percent = num / 100; var percentBar = this.percentBar; this.slider.attr({ _percent : percent }); if(this.dir == "x"){ btn.css({ left : percent * (innerWidth - btn_w) + "px" }); this.barPercent(percentBar, num); }else if(this.dir == "y"){ btn.css({ top : percent * (innerHeight - btn_h) + "px" }); }; this.barPercent(percentBar, num); if(to_call){ this.set.events.percent.call(this, num); }; } }, XDK.ui.draggable); cls.SLIDER_LIST = SLIDER_LIST; return cls; }); XDK.register("ui.dialog", function(J){ var script_dir = (function(){ var dir = null; var script = $(document).find("script[src]"); script.each(function(){ var src = $(this).attr("src"); var pat = /(.*)xdk\.ui(.*)\.js/; var matchRs = src.match(pat); if(matchRs != null){ dir = matchRs[1]; return false; }; }); return dir; })(); var mousedown = XDK.ui.mousedown; var resizable = XDK.ui.resizable; var draggable = XDK.ui.draggable; var render = XDK.core.str.render; var uid = XDK.core.str.guid; var getURL = XDK.core.router.getURL; var ie6 = $.browser.msie && $.browser.version == "6.0"; var fixedClass = "xdkui-dialog-fixed"; var IDINDEX = -1; var DIALOG_LIST = {}; function _winSize(){ var html = document.documentElement; var l = $.browser.msie ? 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null : id; if(id === null){ return; }; $.each(DIALOG_LIST, function(a, b){ if(b.id != id){ if(b.dragApp){ b.dragApp.showAlpha(); b.dragApp.alphaFix(); }; }; }); }, _hideAlphaWidthout_ : function(id){ id = typeof(id) == "undefined" ? null : id; if(id === null){ return; }; $.each(DIALOG_LIST, function(a, b){ if(b.id != id){ if(b.dragApp){ b.dragApp.hideAlpha(); }; }; }); }, render : function(){ var set = this.set; var html = render(set.tpl, { title : set.title, content : this._getContent(set.content), width_css : set.width === null ? 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"block" : "none", alpha_bg_color : set.alphaBgColor, alpha_opacity_1 : set.alphaOpacity, alpha_opacity_2 : Number(set.alphaOpacity) * 100 }); $(this.set.appendTo).append(html); this._setDOM(); this._createBtnBar(this.set.buttons); if(set.autoOpen){ this.open(); }; this.set.events.init.call(this, this); }, _createBtnBar : function(btn_list){ var _this = this; var btnListHtml = ""; $.each(btn_list, function(a, b){ btnListHtml += _this._renderBtn(b); }); if(btnListHtml != ""){ this.dom.footerRow.show(); this.dom.btnWraper.append(btnListHtml); $.each(btn_list, function(a, b){ _this._initBtnEvt(b); }); }; }, appendBtn : function(jBtn){ this.dom.footerRow.show(); this.dom.btnWraper.append(jBtn); this.updateContainerSize(); var data = jBtn.data("data"); data.init.call(data, data.id, jBtn); }, _renderBtn : function(b, returnType){ var _this = this; returnType = typeof(returnType) == "undefined" ? 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"text" : type; var _this = this; b = $.extend({ click : function(btn, _self){} }, b); var text = b.text; var btn = type == "text" ? this.getBtnByText(b.text) : ( b.id ? this.getBtnById(b.id) : null ); if(btn){ btn.bind("click", function(){ var clickRs = b.click.call(this, this, _this); if(clickRs !== false){ _this.close(); }; }); if(b.focus){ setTimeout(function(){ try{ btn.trigger("focus"); }catch(e){ }; },0); }; } }, disableBtnByText : function(text){ this.disableBtn(this.getBtnByText(text)); }, disableBtnById : function(id){ this.disableBtn(this.getBtnById(id)); }, disableBtn : function(btn){ if(btn){ $(btn).attr({disabled : "disabled"}); }; }, removeDisableBtn : function(btn){ if(btn){ $(btn).removeAttr("disabled"); }; }, removeDisableBtnById : function(id){ this.removeDisableBtn(this.getBtnById(id)); }, removeDisableBtnByText : function(text){ this.removeDisableBtn(this.getBtnByText(text)); }, showAlphaContainer : function(){ var set = this.set; this.dom.alpha.hide().css({ background : set.alphaBgColor }).css({"z-index" : this.dragApp.index}).fadeTo(this.set.alphaFadeInTime, set.alphaOpacity); this._resizeAlpha(); }, hideAlphaContainer : function(call_back){ var _this = this; call_back = call_back || function(){}; this.dom.alpha.fadeTo(this.set.alphaFadeOutTime, 0, function(){ $(this).hide(); call_back.call(_this); }); }, initAlphaEvt : function(){ this.dom.alpha.bind("dblclick", $.proxy(this.close, this)); }, _init : function(){ if(this.initOpened){ if(this.dom.restore.css("display") != "none"){ this._unbindMax(); this.restore(); this.max(); return; }; return; }; this.initOpened = true; this._initUpdateSize(); if(this.set.autoPosition){ this.autoPosition(); }else{ this.position(this.set.left, this.set.top); }; this._binds(); }, addIe6PNGCss : function(){ if(this.set.skin == "simple"){ var style = [ "" ].join("\n"); style = render(style, { id : this.dialog_id, script_dir : script_dir }); $("head").append(style); }else if(this.set.skin == "demo"){ var style = [ "" ].join("\n"); style = render(style, { id : this.dialog_id, script_dir : script_dir }); $("head").append(style); }; }, _setDOM : function(){ var index = this.index; var dom = {}; dom.container = $("#" + this.dialog_id); dom.dialog = dom.container; dom.alpha = $("#" + this.dialog_id + "-alpha"); dom.wraper = dom.container.find(".xdkui-dialog-wraper-" + index); dom.border = dom.container.find(".xdkui-dialog-tb-border-" + index); dom.inner = dom.container.find(".xdkui-dialog-inner-" + index); dom.header = dom.container.find(".xdkui-dialog-header-" + index); dom.handle = dom.container.find(".xdkui-dialog-title-" + index); dom.title = dom.handle; dom.actBar = dom.container.find(".xdkui-dialog-act-bar-" + index); dom.close = dom.container.find(".xdkui-dialog-close-" + index); dom.min = dom.container.find(".xdkui-dialog-min-" + index); dom.max = dom.container.find(".xdkui-dialog-max-" + index); dom.restore = dom.container.find(".xdkui-dialog-restore-" + index); dom.body = dom.container.find(".xdkui-dialog-body-" + index); dom.content = dom.container.find(".xdkui-dialog-c-" + index); dom.footer = dom.container.find(".xdkui-dialog-footer-" + index); dom.footerRow = dom.container.find(".xdkui-dialog-footer-row-" + index); dom.btnBar = dom.container.find(".xdkui-dialog-btnbar-" + index); dom.btnWraper = dom.container.find(".xdkui-dialog-btnwraper-" + index); this.dom = dom; }, _getContent : function(){ var content = ""; var set = this.set; if(set.iframeURL){ content = this._getIframeContent(set.iframeURL); }else{ content = this._getDOMContent(set.content); }; return content; }, // dom content tpl _getDOMContent : function(code){ var tpl = "
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//fix resizeApp minWidth minHeight if(this.set.forChangeResizeMinSize){ this.set.minWidth = Math.max(w, this.set.minWidth || 0); this.set.minHeight = Math.max(h, this.set.minHeight || 0); }; this.updateResizeApp(); }, mainSize : function(w, h){ //this.show(); this.size(w - this.dataSize.w, h - this.dataSize.h); }, /** * set dom.body size */ size : function(w, h){ var len = arguments.length; if(len == 0){ var _dialog = this.dom.dialog[0]; var _handle = this.dom.title[0]; return { offsetWidth : _dialog.offsetWidth, offsetHeight : _dialog.offsetHeight, innerWidth : this.dom.dialog.innerWidth(), innerHeight : this.dom.dialog.innerHeight(), mainWidth : this.dom.content.innerWidth(), mainHeight : this.dom.content.innerHeight() }; }; //this.show(); w = Math.max(w, this.set.minWidth - this.dataSize.w ); h = Math.max(h, this.set.minHeight - this.dataSize.h); var dom = this.dom; dom.container.css({ width : (w + this.dataSize.w), height : (h + this.dataSize.h + dom.footer.outerHeight()) }); var _body = dom.body; _body.css({ width : w }); _body.css({ height : h }); this.updateResizeApp(); }, updateResizeApp : function(){ if(this.resizeApp){ this.resizeApp.updateHandleNodesSize(); }; }, _binds : function(){ this._initDrag(); this._initResize(); this._initAlpha(); this._initActionBar(); }, _unbinds : function(){ var dom = this.dom; $(window).unbind("resize", this.win_resize_evt_alpha).unbind("scroll", this.win_scroll_evt_alpha); this._unbindMax(); dom.min.unbind(); dom.max.unbind(); dom.restore.unbind(); dom.close.unbind(); dom.handle.unbind(); }, _initActionBar : function(){ var _this = this; var dom = this.dom; dom.min.bind("mousedown", function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }).bind("click", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); _this.min(); }); dom.max.bind("mousedown", function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }).bind("click", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); _this.max(); }); dom.restore.bind("mousedown", function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }).bind("click", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); _this.restore(); }); dom.close.bind("mousedown", function(e){ e.stopPropagation(); }).bind("click", function(e){ e.preventDefault(); _this.close(); }); dom.handle.bind("dblclick", function(e){ if(_this.set.max){ if(_this.isMaxed()){ _this.restore(); }else{ _this.max(); }; }; }); }, _removeAlphaExpression : function(){ if(!ie6){ return; }; var style = this.dom.alpha[0].style; style.removeExpression('left'); style.removeExpression('top'); }, _initShowAlpha : function(){ if(this.set.alphaFix){ this.showAlphaContainer(); }; }, _resizeAlpha : function(){ var set = this.set; var size = _winSize(); this.dom.alpha.css({ height : size.window_h + "px" }); }, _initAlpha : function(){ this._initShowAlpha(); $(window).bind("resize", $.proxy(this.win_resize_evt_alpha, this)).bind("scroll", $.proxy(this.win_scroll_evt_alpha, this)); this.set.events.alphaCreated.call(this, this); }, win_resize_evt_alpha : function(){ this._resizeAlpha(); }, win_scroll_evt_alpha : function(){ this._resizeAlpha(); }, _initDrag : function(){ var _this = this; this.dragApp = draggable.getInstance({ container : this.dom.container, handle : this.dom.header, iframeFix : true, xDrag : this.set.draggable, yDrag : this.set.draggable, cursor : this.set.dragCursor, events : { dragstart : function(){ _this._fixCurrentDialog(); }, dragstop : function(){ //_this._removeSiblingsAlpha(); } } }); }, _fixCurrentDialog : function(){ this.dragApp.updateZIndex(); var id = this.id; $.each(XDK.ui.dialog.DIALOG_LIST, function(a, b){ if(this.id != id){ this.dragApp.showAlpha(); this.dragApp.alphaFix(); }; }); this.set.events.currentdialog.call(this, this); }, _removeSiblingsAlpha : function(){ var id = this.id; $.each(XDK.ui.dialog.DIALOG_LIST, function(a, b){ if(this.id != id){ this.dragApp.hideAlpha(); }; }); }, _getWindowSize_ : _winSize, containerResizeCallBack : function(){ var dom = this.dom; var dataSize = this.dataSize; dom.body.css({ width : 0, height : 0 }).css({ width : dom.container.width() - dataSize.w, height : dom.container.height() - dataSize.h }); }, _initResize : function(){ var _this = this; var set = _this.set; var dom = this.dom; if(!set.resizable){ return; }; this.resizeApp = resizable.getInstance({ container : dom.container, minWidth: set.minWidth, minHeight: set.minHeight, maxWidth: set.maxWidth, maxHeight: set.maxHeight, events : { resizestart : function(e, _self, type, node){ this.set.minWidth = set.minWidth; this.set.minHeight = set.minHeight; _this.dragApp.showAlpha(); _this.dragApp.alphaFix(); _this._fixCurrentDialog(); }, beforeresize : function(e, _self, type, node){}, resize : function(e, _self){ _this.dragApp.alphaFix(); _this.containerResizeCallBack(); }, resizestop : function(e, _self){ _this.dragApp.hideAlpha(); //_this._removeSiblingsAlpha(); } } }); }, position : function(left, top){ this._position({ left : left, top : top }); }, _position : function(position){ var pos = $.extend({ left : "auto", top : "auto" }, position); position = this._getPositon(pos.left, pos.top); this.setContainerPosition(position.left, position.top); }, setContainerPosition : function(left, top){ this.dom.container.css({ left : left, top : top }); }, _getPositon : function(left, top){ var pos = { left : 0, top : 0 }; var size = _winSize(); var container = this.dom.container; var dialog_width = container.outerWidth(); var dialog_height = container.outerHeight(); if(left == "auto"){ left = size.l + (size.window_w - dialog_width) / 2; }else{ left = parseInt(left); }; if(top == "auto"){ top = size.t + (size.window_h - dialog_height) / 2; }else{ top = parseInt(top); }; var offset = $(this.set.appendTo).offset(); pos.left = left - offset.left; pos.top = top - offset.top; return pos; }, autoPosition : function(){ this.position("auto", "auto"); }, open : function(){ if(this.initOpened){ return; }; var beforeOpenRs = this.set.events.beforeopen.call(this, this, _winSize); if(beforeOpenRs === false){ return false; }; this.show(); this.set.events.open.call(this); }, show : function(){ this.dom.container.show(); if(this.initOpened){ this._initShowAlpha(); this.dragApp.updateZIndex(); }; this._init(); var dom = this.dom; if(this.set.enterToClose){ setTimeout(function(){ try{ dom.close.trigger("focus"); }catch(e){ }; }, 0); }; this.set.events.show.call(this, this); }, hide : function(){ this.dialogState = "hide"; this.dom.container.hide(); this.hideAlphaContainer(); this.set.events.min.call(this, this); }, toggle : function(){ if(this.dom.container.css("display") == "none"){ this.show(); 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}, full : function(){ var size = _winSize(); this.mainSize(size.window_w, size.window_h); }, _win_resize_evt_max : function(){ if(this.isMaxed()){ this.full(); }; }, _win_scroll_evt_max : function(){ if(this.isMaxed()){ this.full(); }; }, fixed : function(){ var p = $(this.set.appendTo); var offset = p.offset(); var size = _winSize(); this.setContainerPosition(- offset.left + size.l, - offset.top); this.dom.container.addClass(fixedClass); }, removeFixed : function(){ if(this.set.appendTo == "body"){ this.dom.container.removeClass(fixedClass).css({width : "", height : ""}); if(ie6){ this._removeExpressionForDialog(); }; }; }, _removeExpressionForDialog : function(){ //if(ie6){ var style = this.dom.container[0].style; style.removeExpression('left'); style.removeExpression('top'); //}; }, setTempDataBeforeMax : function(){ var data = {}; var dom = this.dom; var _this = this; var container = dom.container; data.left = container.css("left"); data.top = container.css("top"); data.width = parseInt(container.css("width")); 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